Thursday, October 1, 2009


Good day fellow vending enthusiasts, I'm gonna "cop" out a little on this weeks E-Thought as I feel as if a garbage truck has run over me and can't really think straight. So that being said I have been really reminiscent of my military days lately and i thought i would talk a little about the best "team building" experience ever!! When I joined the military I had no idea what they had in mind for me. It was the first time that the military would take 365 men and women, train them on 1 task together and ship everyone as a unit to Europe. The Apache Training Brigade is what we would be called until we deployed. The Apache Attack helicopter was being perfected in training at Ft.Hood Texas and this is where we would live and train together for 18 months. So they had us eat,sleep,exercise and train together. We knew every body's spouse's names and the names of their children. Everybody knew everything about everyone...... We finished training and prepared to deploy to Germany with 47 aircraft and 365 families. Before we left Texas they designated us as the 5Th squadron of the 6Th cavalry division or 5/6 cav !! the Knight Raiders !! our motto was "KILL TANKS" and that is what we would later end up doing in the Gulf War between '90 and '91. We deployed to Europe in 1988 and did standardized training over there until the summer of '90 when we were called to go to Iraq. We never had a "failed" mission while engaged in the war and i am sure that a large part of this was do to the closeness and familiarity. I guess my point to this(if there is one) is whether building a team or you think you already have one, nothing can compare to or stand up to a group of people that are truly there for a 1 common goal. This experience also taught me that whether good or bad honesty and knowing one's faults can help a "team" to succeed under the most adverse conditions.

Curt Wokal

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