Thursday, March 18, 2010


When trying to decide on what to write about today's e-thought I considered going on and on about all the new product that is out there to be had but instead decided to talk about getting the most out of the product that you have in your machines now.
One of the suggestions is that when a product is getting close to the Best Buy date, you should move it into a "discounted" price column, also I would move all of your "low" margin items to the very bottom row so that the consumer See's it last and hopefully chooses a higher margin item out of the first 4 or 5 rows.
I know it's a pain but you should also have someway for the customer to suggest to you products that they would like to see in the machine, the thinking here is that if the consumer tells you what they want in the machine your sales should pick up ( I say Should) as we all know, this doesn't happen all the time.
There ya go, three suggestions on how to increase your sales with the current merchandise that is presently in your machines. For more suggestions, come down to the shop and lets talk about it! ;-)

Curt Wokal

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