Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Service is a personal act of self fulfillment and pride. Alot of people don't even realize how great service can be really powerful. It's not just a bunch of words you say to people to make them feel better or important. It's not just how you respond or react to a certain situation. It's not just "fixing" something that you did wrong. It is being fair, nice, having a heart, and doing what you and your customers KNOW is right!

With all of the rumors flying around in our industry these days, it is easy to forget and to be consumed by everything else that is going on. We forget that the only ones that are responsible for our success is us. Me and YOU.

Try and put everything aside and stop making excuses for this or that and concentrate on making your customers lives better. YOU have the power to make things happen the way that you want them to happen so stop blaming everyone else for your faults and short comings and get out there and get to work. DO YOUR JOB !

Curt Wokal

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