Hi people, with everything going on in the world today and especially with what is happening in west Virginia right now I thought it would be good to take a minute and re iterate how important safety in the work place is.
My heart goes out to all of the families of the men that perished. It is very tragic and as I am sure they will find, somewhat unavoidable.
At work we need to insure that all of our employees are safe and comfortable doing the jobs that we as employers need them to do. There are several ways to accomplish this and most of them will cost you nothing but time.
Some OSHA standards call for designated safety personnel and mandatory meetings to be held within a certain time frame. This is a good place for employees and employers to voice their concerns about certain un safe or un comfortable practices that are going on within the company.
Even having an open door policy with your employees can lead to them feeling safer about their work environment.
Make sure that if you have vehicles that your employees drive around in that they all have the required first aid kits and safety equipment necessary, this is especially important if your company has a USDOT number, if you have this there are certain amenities that you are required by law to have!
The bottom line is that these employees are our mainstay and without them none of our livelihood's would be possible, and if we are inundated with infractions or lawsuits about safety issues then these livelihoods would not be worth the effort,.
So basically it is in all of our best interest to take care of our people so that they can take care of us.
Curt Wokal
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