Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Good day fellow vending enthusiasts!
Have anything free today? Do you have any samples?
How many times have you heard this, be it standing there filling a vending machine or standing out in your vending vehicle? As a Distributor, we here this all day long, all the time. It wouldn't be so taxing on the nerves if after giving the sample, at least 50% of the recipients would in turn purchase the product! But they don't, it's more like 3%. So I have came up with game plan on how to handle this non-profitable form of unwanted solicitation. Starting with the "repeat offenders", when somebody asks "do you have anything for free today" ? I will say " absolutely, today i am offering you this great piece of advice"! And then go on about some money saving tips or how to organize better or how to keep this clean or that. lol.............. I'm pretty sure that with the "repeat offenders" they won't ask anymore. Now understand that I do think that there is merit to handing out samples, but there are obviously people who seem to feed themselves and their families with these samples. One of the first Known origins of giving samples as a way to help sell products was found in a late 14th century book of Designs. The cloth maker would "draw" or "stitch" a pattern or idea on a piece of leather or something along those lines as paper didn't come around until the 15th century and then the prospective customer would know what he or she was getting into by purchasing said wares..Wholly cow!! People have been hearing "anything free today" for hundreds of years. This makes me feel and accept this practice with a little more tolerance. But as I said and I'm sure you will agree, It wears on you!!!! Anyway, that is my RANT for the day.


  1. Hey man, got any free product?

  2. why yes. one of the best ways to gain a customers trust and loyalty is to ask ( and truly be interested in) about their personal life. :)
